Using the Mimacup offers you benefits in your daily life, because we have your best interests in mind and:

It takes care of your body

  • It collects menstrual blood
  • It does not contain: bleach, latex, BPA, chemical additives, etc.
  • Totally hypo-allergenic
  • You can use it while sleeping, exercising and travelling.
  • It means menstrual odours disappear.
  • It is the menstrual cup recommended by professionals.

It takes care of the environment

  • Mimacup does not create any waste.
  • It is reusable.
  • It can be used for up to 10 years.
  • It causes less pollution to produce.

We take care of your wallet

  • Our menstrual cup is very affordable.
  • In just a few months, it will have paid for itself.
  • It has a useful life of up to 10 years if used correctly. Imagine how many sanitary towels and tampons you could have used in the same amount of time!