
How to use Mimacup, step by step

  1. Before using Mimacup for the first time, sterilise it with boiling water in a saucepan.
  2. You can use the Mimaclean folding steriliser, which can be used in the microwave or in a bain-marie.
  3. Before touching the cup, wash your hands thoroughly to ensure the cup is as clean as possible when inserted.
  4. Use the fold that is most comfortable for you to insert the Mimacup.
  5. We recommend you relax and stand or sit in one of the following positions:

To help insert the cup you can use lubricant or wet it with water.

  1. Once in place, let go of the cup and it should open by itself. You can check by touching the edge with your fingers.
  2. Empty the Mimacup a maximum of every 12 hours. We recommend that you change the Mimacup more frequently during your first cycle to check how heavy your flow is, and how long it takes to fill the cup.
  3. Remember to wash your hands before removing the cup. Insert your fingers until you reach the stem or the lower part of the cup, tilt it to one side to release the air, and pull it gently until it is completely outside the vagina.
  4. Empty the contents and rinse it thoroughly with water before inserting it again.
  5. After your period is over, you should sterilise the cup and keep it in its cotton bag until your next period.

Insertion folding techniques

Choose the fold that works best for you

Here are some of the different folds you can use to insert the Mimacup menstrual cup comfortably.

C fold

Punch-down fold

Origami fold


What should I know about the Mimacup?

  • It is not a contraceptive and does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancies.
  • It is not recommended to use the Mimacup during sexual intercourse.
  • Do not share your Mimacup with other women, and make sure to maintain basic standards of hygiene.
  • Compatible with other contraceptive methods.
  • You do not need to remove the Mimacup when going to the bathroom.
  • Do not use the Mimacup if you have suffered from TSS before. Consult your gynaecologist.
  • Replace the Mimacup if you notice any damage (Mimacup lasts up to 10 years without any problems, if taken good care of)